Bacteria Text

Bacteria Overview

Bacteria, viruses, and/or cysts present in water pose a serious health risk. Contamination can start in the groundwater, form at the well, grow in a home’s plumbing, or even fester inside water filters. Bacteria is commonly an odorless, tasteless, and invisible contaminant though many times it is characterized by a sewage stench in the water. 

Private and community wells are highly prone to serious microbial contaminants that can cause gastrointestinal issues, vomiting, nausea, and other flu-like symptoms. Those whose immune systems are weaker pose a greater risk to consuming contaminated water.

Lab Testing

Lab Microscope

Testing is the best way to know if you have bacteria present in your drinking water supply. For health-related issues, your water should be tested for total coliform and e-Coli. If you are unsure of whether or not your should take a bacteria test, our water experts can help you determine if a lab test is needed upon initial in-home testing. While our in-home standard testing services are free, laboratory analysis requires a fee.

What our labs can test for:

• Total Coliform • E. coli • Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) • Inorganic Chemicals (IOCs) • Asbestos • Lead • etc.

A water sample is taken from your faucet and is sent to our DEP-certified lab partner for an in-depth analytical test. Results are generally returned in three days, at which point we will contact you on the results and discuss water treatment options with you. See our services for more information on our in-home testing or click below to schedule a bacteria test.

Recommended Treatment Method/System

Though not the most practical solution, shocking your well with chlorine bleach can be effective for getting rid of bacteria. However, this isn’t a guarantee that bacteria in the ground water or pipes won’t grows back. Be advised that chlorine can give water its own objectionable chemical taste and odor which can cause its own related health issues.

Our UV Light systems are 100% safe to use for whole house water applications or drinking water applications. It requires no use of chemicals and is completely safe from leeching. UV light systems have been Clean Stream Water’s proven method of water sterilization since 1988.

UV Light Systems

For Whole House and Drinking Water Treatment

How does it work?

Water flow is controlled as it travels through the water inlet into the chamber. A UV bulb sits in the center of the chamber separated from the water by a clear quartz sleeve. In the chamber water is exposed to powerful UV wavelengths emitted by the UV bulb consequently breaking the molecular bonds in the DNA of any bacteria, viruses, and cysts passing through, effectively killing them.

UV Light Diagram


A UV light must always be the last line of defense, installed after all filters and before water usage or consumption. Solids in the water will block rays emitted by the UV bulb which is why it is highly recommended to filter them out before the ultraviolet process. The bulb should be replaced on a yearly basis.

*You may opt for a model that incorporates an intensity sensor to monitor the turbidity (clarity) of the water/sleeve, programmed to shut a valve off if it reaches a point of reduced effectiveness.